Changes in Transport
Changes to Transport Leadership and Enabling Teams, and Shift Changes in Transport Customer Services

Leaders today in LBG have announced some changes impacting the Enabling Teams, and the Transport Customer Services Leadership. Regrettably, this announcement will result in a small number of colleagues being placed at risk of redundancy in the Enabling (support) teams. Unite will work with those impacted to ensure that a job can be found for them if this is their preferred outcome. Unite are continuously pushing the bank on its career mobility and investment in skills agenda. Part of this is our survey on career mobility and tech – complete the survey today at
Transport Customer Services have also communicated some changes to opening times, resulting in a change in shift patterns. Through consultation, Unite have secured an increased variety of shift patterns for people to choose from, increasing the chance that one of the patterns available will be satisfactory to colleagues.
If any colleagues are unable to commit to one of the shift patterns offered, you should speak to your line manager in the first instance. If this doesn’t resolve your query, there are more official mechanisms for resolution and Unite can assist our members through this process. For any further queries of if you are concerned that the changes may impact your current flexible working arrangements, get in touch with your nearest Unite rep or email for more tailored support.