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BBFA Telephony Team - Numbers Reduced

Consolidation of roles into 3 sites to impact colleagues’ ability to reskill.

The BBFA (Business Banking Financial Assistance) team was set up in 2021 to assist Business Banking customers who couldn’t pay back their bounce back loans once all payment holidays had been taken. 

Naturally, this team has seen a downturn in demand, even though the bank recruited into the team in 2023. 

This downturn in demand has led the bank to look to reduce the numbers of colleagues needed in this team, and this, coupled with reductions in the BBCS technical services team and restricting colleagues to working from Birmingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh, means that hundreds of colleagues will be told this week that they have an uncertain future. 

Unite raised concerns in consultation that the removal of options to work from certain sites would create unnecessary issues for colleagues, and feel that leadership could adopt a remote-first approach to working in BBFA. 

Some colleagues will be asked if they want to be considered for a role in one of the three sites, but for many this will not be possible. 

Unite will press the bank to find suitable roles for all affected, with CFA roles a potential destination for those at risk. 

If you are impacted by today’s announcement and would like to talk it over with a member of the Unite team, then please contact us.

0808 144 9595


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