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Unite is here to support LBG workers!

Lloyds banking group has today announced that they will transform the way that the bank does ‘change’. the platforms that the bank uses will be changing in order to, in the bank’s eyes, adapt to industry standards and allow them to deliver change  quicker and better. 

there will be a shake-up in the platforms world, with some roles changing, some roles no longer in place, and some platforms not being present at the locations they used to be. 

here are our brief thoughts on the specifics, for more click each header or visit


Platforms are now limited to the amount of group locations that they can use. If you are based outside of one of these, you may be at risk of redundancy. 

Throughout 2020-23 however, collaegues have shown that they can collaborate and work successfully remotely, with the need to come together physically far less than it was before the pandemic. 


The changes communicated to colleagues working in Platforms will impact those on compressed hours and will result in them having to be given up by those moving to new roles. 

In relation to homeworking colleagues, the Group has confirmed that these individuals will be at risk of redundancy due to a requirement to be based in a retained hub location.


Unite welcomes the bank’s intent to upskill impacted LBG workers as a result of changes it is implementing to its platforms. 

However we are hugely disappointed that this offer does not cover all of those potentially impacted to help mitigate redundancy and falls short of the expectations set out under career mobility.


While there are a large amount of colleagues impacted by the announcement, Unite believe that with the right reskilling there should be a job for all.

If you are at risk of redundancy for any reason, make sure to have an honest conversation with your manager, and speak to a Unite rep if you need guidance on how to approach conversations. 


Technology and Career Mobility at Lloyds Banking Group Consultative Survey

The changes announced today for the LBG Platforms are designed to help support the strategic objective of digital transformation to become a leading digital bank, however this raises questions and concerns for Jobs - Pay - Conditions for Lloyds Banking Group workers.

The knock-on implications for LBG workers of digital transformation under a ‘pace’ agenda should be addressed and quantified. Unite recognises that LBG wishes to accelerate the speed of digital and automated change but is resolute in the conviction that there should be protections, oversight and assurances to workers which protects their Jobs - Pay - Conditions.

Unite acknowledges that new technology, processes, and automation can bring benefits and help simplify the mundane, repetitive tasks. The upsurge in artificial intelligence and chat-bots for example can provide opportunities and serve customer demand but it also creates massive uncertainty for workers and what the developments means for job security in the long term as technology becomes more self-sufficient and is able to do more of the complex tasks currently performed by colleagues.

It also raises legitimate questions around the cost savings being made on the back of such technology and change and the need to reskill workers proactively in the ‘key’ ‘hot’ skills to mitigate redundancy on the back of business led change.

Any LBG worker looking at today's announcements might reflect on the recent investment and commitment to the technology centre in India and think, "When are we going to have a similarly ambitious technology centre in the UK, so we can begin to upskill and train existing LBG workers in the skills needed to support the business and protect their jobs?” 

This is big topic of discussion not only within LBG, but throughout every sector of the UK and World economies. That said, we cannot wait and hope technological change and governance will benefit workers in LBG. We should set the tone of dialogue with LBG and work together bring about change that ensures continued protection for Jobs - Pay - Conditions.

Unite can’t do this alone though; we need your help to work with us in this discussion and in helping us shape a pro-active agreement for technology that can be adopted within LBG that will benefit both LBG colleagues and serve to support a sustainable business. 

Together we can achieve this aim and bring about such an agreement with LBG. Please complete the consultative survey today and share with a fellow worker:

 or scan the QR code on the right.

The survey will be running until the end of February 2024. 


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