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Changes to Bank Holiday Arrangements - Embark

LBG has announced changes to the Scottish Bank holiday on 2nd January that will affect colleagues in the Embark Contact Centre in Dundee. In making these changes, LBG cited customer demand, the need for consistency of approach with telephony colleagues in other parts of the UK and the difficulty in securing sufficient volunteers to cover the required resource over the Scottish Bank Holiday.

Going forward, the Scottish bank holiday will become a normal working day for colleagues based in Scotland and, colleagues based in Scotland will have the hours added to their annual holiday entitlement. From 2025, an additional day of annual leave (pro-rata for part time colleagues) will be added to annual entitlements. Holiday request for 2nd January will be managed by the line managers on a business-as-usual basis. Colleagues who previously volunteered to work on 2nd January will no longer receive an additional premium payment to reflect Bank Holiday working.

Unite’s stated position was that 2nd January should remain a Bank Holiday premium day and that LBG should look to secure sufficient voluntary cover by increasing the premium paid from double time to triple time. In addition, Unite invited LBG to review the fact there are differing bank holiday entitlements for colleagues in different parts of the UK and offshore locations. The Unite view on this was that there should be a levelling-up process to ensure to ensure that all LBG colleagues are treated equally and receive the same Bank Holiday entitlement. Although there was no commitment to do this, LBG has agreed to take this point away for further consideration.

If you are impacted by the Bank Holiday changes and would like to speak to one of the Unite Team, then please contact us via or 0808 144 9595


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