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Update - Unite Demo at the LBG AGM - LBG Flexible Working Survey & Hybrid Working Support

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Your Unite team made our presence known at the LBG AGM last Thursday. We made it unequivocally clear… ‘no ifs, no buts, no flexible working cuts!’ In the AGM meeting itself Unite organisers projected the worries, fears and anger of LBG workers impacted by the bank's attack on compressed hours. You can watch the demo and questions put to the GEC here.


Unite has been notified by members and LBG workers of concerns about the LBG flexible working survey. These concerns are reflected in numerous comments posted on interchange. A common theme is that the survey questions are one-sided - leading some to conclude that responses will be used to support LBGs desired outcome. Unite did not have sight of the LBG survey in advance of its publication and we had no input into the questions put to colleagues. If members are minded to complete LBGs survey, then we encourage them to use the "free-text" boxes to express their legitimately held concerns about flexible working. Unite have made it clear that LBG workers already have a ‘Deal’ and it’s one they are happy with - and that any ‘New Deal’ constructed from skewed survey data that aims to take away a colleagues flexible working arrangements will not stand and we will fight it at every step.

Unite has also incorporated its own survey into communications about the collective grievance that has been launched. We strongly urge LBG workers and members to complete the Unite grievance so that data about colleague impacts can be collected, and the strength of feeling shared with LBG. Please follow the link below to complete our survey and to sign the grievance.


Unite want to make it clear that we recognise that the 40% ask in the office is not conducive for all LBG workers, the one size fits all approach clearly is not going to work and we have made this clear to the bank. We have also asked for Unite workplace representatives be allowed to support members in conversations with their managers and have been blocked by LBG. We urge all members having difficulties with the 40% ask in the office to get in touch with us asap via

We will provide support with grievances individually if necessary.

In solidarity

Your Unite Team


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